The IV Manifesto
The IV Manifesto: Just what the doctor ordered Ebook

The IV Manifesto:
Just What the Doctor Ordered

Scheduled for release in the fall of 2020, Mark Neuenschwander’s new eBook, The IV Manifesto: Just What The Doctor Ordered, will be available here to anyone who simply asks.

In his engaging, insightful manner, expect Mark to weave a compelling story of how easily and often devasting IV preparation errors occur. He will discuss how hospitals can protect trustworthily, but human, caregivers from unwittingly doing harm, while safeguarding trusting patients from being harmed. The book will build a convincing case for implementing workflow management systems—similar to technologies we bump into each day online and in grocery stores—for achieving IV accuracy, preventing tragedy, and saving lives.

The IV Manifesto promises to be a quick and enjoyable read, which you can send to leaders in hospitals where you work or where you may one day be admitted for care. Who knows, you may be the one to open their eyes, prompt them to act, and finally bring IV safety systems into the mix.

Pre-order your FREE eBook here »